Tiger Team
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Tiger Team T-Shirts

We are now taking orders for Tiger Team T-shirts. These feature the wonderful Tiger Team logo (designed by the artist Annabel Eyres, founder of Rock the Boat) in a 2-colour, orange and black print on the front of the shirt. We think they'll look GRRRRREAT!

There are 4 shirt styles to choose from:

1. White, technical, short-sleeved shirts. These come in men's or women's fit. For sizing, see:
http://our-catalogue.com/email.php?p=HS21&ref=ROTB (women's) or
http://our-catalogue.com/email.php?p=HS01&ref=ROTB (men's).

2. Orange-sleeved baseball shirts (short-sleeved). These look like this, and come in S to XXL "unisex" (i.e. S is too large for H, if that helps you define sizes):

3. White, skinny fit (women's only). These come in S (size 8-10), M (10-12), L (12-14) and XL (14-16).

4. Kiddies - plain white, short-sleeved T-shirt. Sizes 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 10-12.

If you have a BURNING desire for some other WHITE shirt style (e.g. plain white short/long/sleeved), do get in touch (020 8398 6242), it may be possible for Rock the Boat, who are printing them to accommodate this.

All Shirts are £16 each (apart from kiddies which are £10 each) + £2 P&P per order if you need them sent.

To order: Call 020 8398 6242, or email Helena if you know her email address, or send us a message on Facebook to order. We will then reply with how to pay.

Orders close on Friday, 10 June 2011! There might be another print run after that, but it would depend on there being sufficient demand, and even so prices might have to increase.

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